

Learn to type Thai so you can search in dictionnary and boost your language learning!


Comprehensive Typing Lessons

Dive into 53 structured lessons designed to take you from Thai typing novice to confident typist. Master the intricacies of the Thai keyboard at your own pace.

Sound Pronunciation

Activate sound pronunciation to hear the correct pronunciation of each word you type. Improve your auditory recognition and language learning

Multilingual Interface

Choose from 5 interface languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, and Russian, to make Thai typing accessible to a global audience.

Word and Sentence Practice

Test your skills with interactive word and sentence typing modes. Gain practical experience for real-world application.

English Translations

Access English translations for Thai words, deepening your understanding and enriching your vocabulary as you type.

Progress Tracking

Visualize your improvement over time with comprehensive statistics that monitor accuracy, speed, and overall proficiency.

Simple Beautiful User Interface

Aliquam a augue suscipit, luctus neque purus ipsum neque dolor primis libero tempus, blandit posuere ligula varius magna congue cursus porta


Five Words a Day

Enrich your thai vocabulary at your pace.


Thai Drill

The app for self-learner to practice Thai language everyday! From beginner to intermedaite level!



Learn to type on your phone in Thai language! You'll be able to communicate on Thai Facebook page or with your girlfriend!